Thursday, April 25, 2024

Blog Post #11


Technology in the Modern World: Reflecting on Technology in my Life

      Looking and reflecting on life and its intertwining with the use of technology, I simply cannot picture life today without it. I have never been put in an environment without the use of technology incorporated in it. Technology is centralized in every corner of the globe, whether it is being through handheld technological devices, ways of communication, transport systems, or in the daily lives of the working force. Technology has an impact on everyone in todays society in a variety of ways.

Throughout this course this semester, I have reflected and recognized how much technology has an impact on my life, personally. The Mad World Remix of Moby Video shown in class represents the dangers of technology and everlasting growth of technology and its takeover on us as a society in our modern world. In this video, it represents society as being glued to their phones, facing repercussions and showing a more negative light on technology in society. It recognizes that we as a society are so distracted by technology, that we have grown to become unaware of other things occurring around us.

   The relationship between technology and society can be reciprocal. Society drives change within technology whereas changes in technology and interaction with technology drives change in society. From tools to computers, technologies have allowed people to become codependent on technology and allow people to shape the physical world and shape it to meet their needs through the digital eye. Although technology improves the lifestyle of human beings, it is also a major concern for future generations. There have been many developing negative impacts of technology in society. According to DC Report, these negatives can consist of a commonly-found increase in unemployment, increase in mental health concerns, and increase in cyber crimes. Nowadays, there is very limited balance within technology or social media within society in the workplace, social interactions, and online safety, which is the reason for the downfall of our society in terms of technology.

For me, I personally believe that I do not have the best relationship with technology. I am on my phone way too much to the point where I wake up, look at my screen, get ready for bed, and look at my screen. I believe that applications of social media such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok are the reason why my relationship with technology is so negative. Yes, it is a great form of communication and as a way to stay updated on current events, however, I view information that may not always be true, find ways of constantly comparing myself to others, leading e to thinking more negatively on myself and my life. This is commonly found among other people my age all over the world. Social media can have a very negative effect on mental health and self-confidence. However in some cases, technology has been a blessing- due to having family in other states, dealing with social change in the midst of COVID-19 just as a high-schooler at the time, and constantly finding ways of holding communication- yet keeping up with the world and important upbringings at times. Social media has had a mostly positive impact on my life and has helped me grow as a person in various ways. As a society, what needs to be understood in terms of technology is that it is not everything and it is not all we need in life to become the version of ourselves we are destined to become. The question we need to ask ourselves as a society is will we find the balance we need to survive or will technology weigh it down for the rest of our lives?

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Blog Post #10


Advancements in Technology Through Generations: Reflecting on Artificial Intelligence

After reflecting on all EOTO presentations in class, the one that stood out the most to me was based on the concept of AI. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the intelligence of software, machines, and other technologies, equivalent to the intelligence of living human beings. This consists of computer systems that can perform tasks commonly but most notably performed by people, such as the basic human cognitive functions.

Examples of Artificial Intelligence can be considered through reactive machines, memory, and Theory of Mind. reactive machines can be used through the inner workings of AI in self-driven cars, stronger functioning machines in different industries such as the robotic servers (order placing and creating robots) in the restaurant industry. Whereas memory can be recognized in the study of AI through sources such as ChatGPT. Through this commonly found source, one can type something with a brief or extended description, looking for a result, and this source could respond back with whatever answer they may be looking for solely based off keywords and memory within the information represented through the technology. Theory of Mind can be found in this technology of AI through the capabilities behind the conceptualization of AI, and its decision-making and cognitive thinking comparing to the acts of a human being. 

AI is the next big thing, and will be the future of generations to come. From technological advancements today, to the potential for a complete change in communication, Artificial Intelligence is just one explanation for why and whats to come with the ultimate change in technology and the future of the takeover of the media in years to come.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Blog Post #9


In the Age of AI

Over the past years technology has undergone vast changes of ways of communicating, improving quality of transportation, making games more fun, creating recommendations based on prior internet knowledge of media users, and creating a vast inventory of advancements, developing stronger success and more opportunity for future generations in technology to come!

After watching the full documentary of In the Age of AI, many pivotal moments of the creation of AI were developed and recognized. 

Furthermore, the development of facial recognition and development of data in the 'cloud' were addressed. Facial recognition is one of AI's most notable advances. Facial recognition maps and reads facial expressions through the details and symmetrical balance of ones face, further developing the use of privacy and security feature improvements, and any sort of technological recognition. 

Development of data stored in the 'cloud' is also a technological advancements as used under the creation of AI. This consists of resources that keep that overall cloud-based platform of people and businesses similar to one another. This helps provide and retain storage of information on any users profile, helping connect them with other applications and sources to set them up for other forms of success through technology. 

While there are many positive successes to the ideas of Artificial Intelligence in technology, there are many negatives and disadvantages that can be found within it. Furthermore, in the video In the Age of AI, the invention of self-driving cars are suggested and recognized. While this is a great alternative to what is considered preventing car accidents or roadside accidents, I personally believe it is not the safest or most successful prevention for these outcomes. This is because all people gain skills through practice. People self-teach themselves to do a math problem, do chores, to take on new hobbies, therefore making it understandable that people should learn to drive, and no vehicles should be powered by robotic technologies, to be on the road. There are difficulties of miscommunication, misreading, and much more advanced difficulties regarding other cars safety with robots behind a wheel, rather than an experienced (or soon experienced) human being. 

Blog Post #8


Looking through the Overton Window

Public opinion and politics have a reciprocal relationship, shaping and influencing the other over the years. Due to the effectiveness of these on society, the revolution of policy formation and legislation were introduced more assertively, election outcomes have had stronger influences, social movements have risen to seek injustices or advocate for greater change, and there have been broader cultural shifts redefining societal norms and values.

The Overton Window is a model for understanding how ideas in society change over time and influence politics and affluences in society. It can also be known as the "Window of Discourse", generating the spectrum of ideas on public policy and social issues accepted by the general public. The Overton Window itself can shift and expand based on the evolution of societal values and norms. This theory is named after Joseph Overton, a former vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, who first articulated the concept in the 1990's. The Overton theory was named after him, after dying in a plane crash in 2003.

Mr. Overton found a strategic way of ranging policies on a brochure model. The brochure listed the range of these possible policies on a single issue, from least to most government intervention.  Only part of the range is achievable, and when Overton moved his slider, different policies fell into what he called the window of political possibility.

This theory is used often in discussions about policy proposals. For example, if a political idea falls outside of the current range of acceptable public opinion, it may be difficult to gain support for it. However, if an idea falls within the current range, it may gain better attraction and have more of a chance of being developed into a policy proposal. 

According New York Times, The key is that shifts begin with the public. Overton argued that the role of organizations like his own was not to lobby politicians to support policies outside the window, but to convince voters that policies outside the window should be in it. 

Certain public policies and norms that can generate activity within the idea of this window are topics such as marijuana legalization, universal healthcare, climate change, same-sex marriage, criminal justice reform, and minimum wage and economic policy. 

An example of the Overton Window in society today that has had impacted society greatly is the growing support for same-sex marriage. Support in the United States for same sex marriage has catapulted into the Overton Window of not just political possibility, but legal feasibility, being now legal in all 50 states. Studies show Democrats' support of same-sex marriage has grown 50 percent since 1996 — the most among political party groups.

It can be recognized that the theory of the Overton Window has had a vast impact on all individuals in society today. Without this theory, public opinion would not be displayed as vividly, and widespread media would not be as affluent to all individuals in todays society. The impact of the policy is something that will carry on for future generations to observe.

Blog Post #7


Unveiling the Stealthy Overreach of Digital Privacy

In today's digital age, our own personal data individually and as a society is taken and kept away through ways without user's knowledge. From new technology and forthcoming changes to the use of cookies, government privacy within technology, and learning to live with the AI's use of data, it can be understood that there is no such thing as true privacy in the digital age.

From the videos showing in this weeks assignment, the issue of email protection was raised. In the Ted Talk, it recognizes that within a lifetime of having emails, sending emails, and receiving emails, this tells the government about more than just your email. This can be in regards to things you like, people you contact, and it even gives your computer the key to your data. This can be done without the user even knowing.

Issues like these raise concern for society and may affect us in many ways. An article written by Medium states that with the increasing use of social media people are willingly sharing their personal information, such as their name, address, phone number, credit card information, etc. This information is then used by companies for targeted advertising and data mining. The problem is that this personal information can also be accessed by hackers and other users, who can use it for identity theft, fraud, or other crimes.

As for ways the government should be handling the security of private information used through technology, I think VPNs should be provided in the installation of all applications to keep all personal data, even location services unrecognizable or unseen. This would help eliminate malicious online actors and improve cybersecurity.

The best possible way to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy is to change passwords for most things, use VPN's, use credible sites, do not click on advertisements, and make sure you keep all personal information private, without saving passwords or hints about yourself on your device. These are the best ways that can mostly ensure your personal device-use and privacy.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Blog Post #6


Progression: Tracing Antiwar Voices from the Progressive Era to Today's Digital Backgrounds

In today's society, finding and consuming media is done much quicker and convenient than in the previous years of the media. News is spread through various platforms, headlining some of the biggest stories, recognized rumors, and passing information through different generations of the public within all different approaches. Media has gotten so rapidly spread, creating various perspectives on situations and popular occurrences, causing controversy and false reports within society. 

In topics such as war and military operations within the United States and the entirety of the globe, media can be recognized for having strong antiwar voices that can rarely be heard or seen on mainstream news media. Personally, I am not sure of why exactly it is so hard to find such important knowledge on news such as this, however after being raised with this prompted question of 'why not?' I have considered a few major reasons as to why information that can be shared by strong antiwar voices are not headlines or represented in our mainstream news as part of our society, today. 

Trust- a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. Now a days, our media is bias based on viewers perspectives or credibility and trust it consumes from the public. The fortunate yet unfortunate thing is, the media either tends to trust the viewers, or the viewers trust the media. The idea of bias is so rapidly consumed within the perspectives of journalists and the media in general, that the idea of actual knowledge or facts that are being consumed are taken for granted and unheard for its meaning. According to Washington State University, bias can be affected by the way journalists and writers characterize facts, decisions on what stories or facts they may cover, and the amount of time and space they use to cover facts. Media bias is one hundred percent a factor of what makes such important information so hidden and hard to see from the world. News sources are known for making an impact on viewers opinions and causing bias from all parties of government. However, what is said is not always true, and opinions are quickly turning into facts due to the way word-of-mouth gets around impacting what the public wants or does not want to hear.

Journalist, Robert Jensen recognizes anti-war voices and society. He suggests that to many people in the news media, when the antiwar movement agrees on certain principles, criticism is unleashed and thought that the movement is known to read the first and last lines of the article, and nowhere between the lines. This represents distrust and disrespect of the importance of this information, with its given little coverage in the news.

As for exactly why anti-war coverage is not spread within major mainstream headlining news, it is unknown. However, trust and knowledge within an organization is a leading factor as to what possibilities may be the cause for it.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Blog Post #5

Revolutionized Connections: A Journey Through the Evolution of Communication Innovations

Communication has had a significant amount of changes that deserves designated recognition to reflect upon. From the evolution of communication from the use of carrier pigeons to the news trends of today's age such as the use of the iPhone or now trending brands such as Netflix, communication has developed vastly in a variety of ways, recognizing the importance of communication and what makes it possible in todays society.

After listening to the class presentations, there were two presentations that sparked my interest, representing change in the technological advancements and overall growth of societies communication sources. For starters, carrier pigeons were used from the Middle Ages to the 1800s as a form of communication with commerce, navigation, and especially as a way of contacting the military. Many residents sent messages by pigeons in balloons in such significant occurrences of history. Carrier pigeons were originally bred and found to be trained to deliver messages. This occurred while using a magnetic internal compass inside of the pigeon to help navigate them to whichever direction was intended.

One thing I learned from the presentation in class that I did not already know is that carrier pigeons are referred to as "Homing Birds". This is due to them having what is called "homing" instincts, meaning whoever bred and trained them, or has had a brief interaction worthwhile the pigeons senses, the pigeon will easily find itself back to or toward the person it had its previous attachment to. This is similar to the example of babies being attached to their mother and father at first touch of skin, and an instant attachment bonding them for life right after birth. Aside from their quick and observant attachment style, carrier pigeons have precise strength of eyesight, hearing, and smell, making them even more adaptable, clever, and reliable in terms of what they were used for and why they were so efficient with it.

It can be understood that a lot has changed in the world's way of communication since the carrier pigeon days. One of the most changes in todays society is the creation of the cinematic picture, and certain brands and platforms that now allow movie-watching access at someones ease and viewers best convenience. Netflix is an American video/movie streaming service. This platform distributes a wide variety of award-winning TV shows, movies, and more. With just the purchase of a subscription plan, anyone can watch any picture show of their choosing, from the comfort and convenience of their own home, car, or destination of their choosing on both a television, computer screen, mobile device, or any other device that allows the installation of the application!

One thing I learned from the presentation about Netflix that I did not already know is that the two creators, Marc Randolph and reed Hastings originally did not intend for Netflix to be a streaming service of this current manner. Netflix was originally launched in 1998 as a direct delivery DVD mail subscription service site. VHS were first considered, then the higher costs were recognized and the DVD use was discovered and begun to be used. The company is known for firstly working in this manner, but soon developed into what is now one of the most successful streaming services with over millions of subscribers to this day.

As stated, sources of communication have grown enormously, causing immense change in todays society. Pigeons became SMS messages, letters became emails, newspapers became the internet, and telephones became smartphones. The internet and such strengths behind new and improved technologies such as these have created communication changes in the way we work and live. Overall, our newest technologies have made it easier for people to connect with one another regardless of location- and simpler to live simple.

Blog Post #11

  Technology in the Modern World: Reflecting on Technology in my Life        Looking and reflecting on life and its intertwining with the us...